Earth Worm Jim: Just Like You Remember

Posted: 08/26/2010 in Reviews

He's baaaaack!

That’s right, the almighty Earth Worm Jim is back and on PSN. It’s the original game from the SEGA Genesis, and it is just as hard as it used to be!

He is a worm after all...

Old fans of Jim will pick this up and have a great time, because they understand him (like I did). Kids out there who have never heard of this mighty warrior, and trophy-whores alike, will absolutely despise him. Why?

We discussed this. He's a worm.

For people new to him: This game makes no sense. It’s supposed to. The only story we’re told is that the suit falls to earth and Jim finds it. After that, the story is up in the air as Jim travels to hell to fight a cat, and to weird swamps to bungie jump with a living booger. Don’t think about the story, your brain will just stop.

Luckily my brain was fried long ago.

As for you trophy seekers, well…you may want to just not look at them. Seriously; Earth Worm Never Dies, is just plain crazy. You have to make it through the entire game, without dying, on the original difficulty. Now I’m sure you’re reading this and thinking, “Pfff, ima t0tal h4x0r!! I PWN!!!” If that’s the case, stop it. At least you proper grammar in your own head. Try it for yourself though and see if I’m right. Oh, forgot. You also have to do it all in a single play-through. No saving and taking a break for the night. As soon as the game is off, you lost that trophy for that play-through.

In terms of the gameplay however, it is a blast. Just like old times. There’s even a new online mode for those who wish to try it, giving the original game (which was admittedly a tad short in single player) some additional areas to sink some hours into.

In short, this game is great for older gamers, and while I’d recommend it to everyone, younger generations probably won’t get it.

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